
What can you do with Rpd.ink?

Link management for your offline and online channels

Create your links

Link Management

Rpd.ink’s all-in-one platform puts the power of link management in your hands with short links, redirects, and bulk link shortening and earning.

Share with your friends


Use your custom domain to customize your links which can be shared on social media, email marketing, newsletters, and more.

Share with your friends


Rpd.ink makes tracking, managing, and reporting on your link performance and campaigns simple and easy so you can make data-driven decisions for success.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers to all frequently asked questions

  • What is Rpd.ink?

    Rpd.ink is a link shortening service that allows users to earn money by sharing shortened links.

  • How does Rpd.ink work?

    Rpd.ink works by shortening your long URLs into shorter, more manageable links. When someone clicks on your shortened link, you earn money based on the number of visits generated.

  • How do I start using Rpd.ink?

    To start using Rpd.ink, simply sign up for an account, shorten your links, and share them across various platforms or websites.

  • How much can I earn with Rpd.ink?

    The amount you can earn with Rpd.ink depends on the number of clicks generated by your shortened links. The more visits you receive, the more you can earn.

  • When and how will I get paid?

    We have a payment schedule in place, and you will receive your earnings on a monthly basis. Payments are typically made through preferred payment methods like PayPal or bank transfer.

  • Is there a minimum payout threshold?

    Yes, there is a minimum payout threshold. Once your earnings reach the specified threshold, you will be eligible for payment.

  • Can I track the performance of my links?

    Yes, Rpd.ink provides detailed analytics and statistics about your links, including the number of clicks, countries, and devices of the visitors.

  • Are there any restrictions on the type of content I can share?

    Yes, there are certain content restrictions. You must comply with our terms of service and avoid sharing illegal, adult, or offensive content.

  • Can I use Rpd.ink on social media platforms?

    Yes, you can use Rpd.ink on social media platforms to monetize your shared links and maximize your earnings.

  • Is Rpd.ink available worldwide?

    Yes, Rpd.ink is available for users worldwide, allowing you to earn money from your links regardless of your location.